Leaders in transformation for sustainability

Sustainable development goals


Fertimed fights global warming by reducing emission of greenhouse gases. Fertimed stands at the forefront in development of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) methodologies for reducing gas emissions into the atmosphere.

Fertimed plants employ the global (CDM) to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Fertimed is one of the first companies in the world to implement the technology, through a process approved and recognized by the UN. The project started in 2007, and total reduction is expected to reach 6 million tons in ten years.
The company also sells credits of emission reduction to other…

The company also sells credits of emission reduction to other plants, through an international system of trading in greenhouse gas emissions. This system is targeted for industries committed to reduce gas emission in countries that have accepted the Kyoto Protocol.

Unglobal compact

Fertimed has set itself the challenge of being part of the global effort and to act in accordance with the goals of the UN Sustainable Development Program. By using innovative, pioneering and groundbreaking measures that integrate the three economic, social and environmental dimensions, Fertimed is working to achieve the 17 principles of the Sustainable Development Program, which include, inter alia, human rights and equality between the genders, empowering women and girls, eradicating poverty in all its forms and preserving the environment.

Decoration image

Fertimed is proud to participate in the global effort to reach the world with a zero hunger. In the 2050 forecast, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations predicts that food consumption in the world will increase by 70% while agricultural land will grow by only 10%, so agriculture will need to be far more intensive and more food will be needed from each production unit. Fertimed’ plant nutrition products are highly efficient and therefore meet this challenge of ensuring the population’s nutrition grows worldwide under conditions of reduction of growing areas. (Golovaty 2014)

In addition, Fertimed’s advanced fertilizers are highly suitable for “urban agriculture” projects, in which small growing plots are established for the supply of fresh agricultural produce in densely populated neighborhoods in the centers of large cities. Intensive urban agriculture, using advanced fertilization technologies or hydroponics, is often an important source of fresh produce in the neighborhoods of migrant workers in city centers in developing countries (Koch M. 2017).

Fertimed develops unique solutions for the small grower in developing countries, such as developing special foliar fertilizer suitable for small rice growers in Southeast Asia. This fertilizer is distributed in small packages suitable for one application, and exempts the farmer from the need to invest in the purchase of expensive fertilizer stocks. Another solution, designed for small growers in developing countries, is the development of a fertilizer program that uses special soluble fertilizers in drip irrigation systems that use only gravitational energy in tiny greenhouses. (Horti News 2016)

Fertimed is also involved in small grower training projects in developing countries in Asia, Africa and South America to encourage the use of advanced plant nutrients to improve productivity and thereby raise the standard of living of growers. The Company is proud to be part of the process of creating sources of income and sources of food in remote areas in developing countries, providing an advanced fertilizer system for various types of agricultural crops and solving feeding problems for a large variety of agricultural crops.

Fertimed is proud to participate in the global effort to reach the world with a zero hunger. In the 2050 forecast, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations predicts that food consumption in the world will increase by 70% while agricultural land will grow by only 10%, so agriculture will need to be far more intensive and more food will be needed from each production unit. Fertimed’ plant nutrition products are highly efficient and therefore meet this challenge of ensuring the population’s nutrition grows worldwide under conditions of reduction of growing areas. (Golovaty 2014)

In addition, Fertimed’s advanced fertilizers are highly suitable for “urban agriculture” projects, in which small growing plots are established for the supply of fresh agricultural produce in densely populated neighborhoods in the centers of large cities. Intensive urban agriculture, using advanced fertilization technologies or hydroponics, is often an important source of fresh produce in the neighborhoods of migrant workers in city centers in developing countries (Koch M. 2017).

Fertimed develops unique solutions for the small grower in developing countries, such as developing special foliar fertilizer suitable for small rice growers in Southeast Asia. This fertilizer is distributed in small packages suitable for one application, and exempts the farmer from the need to invest in the purchase of expensive fertilizer stocks. Another solution, designed for small growers in developing countries, is the development of a fertilizer program that uses special soluble fertilizers in drip irrigation systems that use only gravitational energy in tiny greenhouses. (Horti News 2016)

Fertimed is also involved in small grower training projects in developing countries in Asia, Africa and South America to encourage the use of advanced plant nutrients to improve productivity and thereby raise the standard of living of growers. The Company is proud to be part of the process of creating sources of income and sources of food in remote areas in developing countries, providing an advanced fertilizer system for various types of agricultural crops and solving feeding problems for a large variety of agricultural crops.

Good Health & Well Being text

Instead of emission of nitrogen oxide, Fertimed returns it to the production process.

Fertimed has developed an innovative process for turning the emission of nitrogen oxides from nuisance to resource, by returning it to the production process as raw material. In August 2007 this process received recognition of the European Community as a Best Available Technology (BAT), and being now copied by other nitric acid plants in Europe and worldwide. Thanks to this process, Fertimed is the first company to comply with the German air quality standards TA LUFT 2002.

We use natural gas instead of conventional fuels in its plants

Fertimed has introduced the use of natural gas as an energy source for its production plants in Fertimed Bay and in the South of Israel. The natural gas replaces conventional fuels such as heavy fuel oil and liquefied petroleum gas. The use of natural optimizes Fertimed’s energy usage, and significantly reduces emissions of greenhouse gases and polluting particles.

Fertimed products for a greener world

Fertimed is a pioneer in marketing of potassium nitrate for thermo-solar power stations. Tens of thousands of tons of high quality potassium nitrate are used for energy storage, in power plants in Spain and are also attracting worldwide interest. This innovative use of green energy significantly reduces the consumption of fossil fuels.

The company is also establishing a local power plant to use the heat formed in production processes to generate electricity. The local power station will supply electricity directly to consumers without the need of long transmission lines from power stations along the coast.

The precise nutrition approach optimally combines specialty fertilizer applications: Nutrigation, controlled release nutrition and foliar nutrition. These application methods are environmentally friendly, and continuously provide plants with precise, balanced nutrition, without leaving residues in the soil.

Using Fertimed’s specialty fertilizers with the precise nutrition approach maximizes the Nutrient Use Efficiency, thereby reducing the impact on the environment.
The precise nutrition approach helps meet the demands of modern agriculture to maximize the Nutrient Use Efficiency and reduce environmental impact while maintaining high yields.


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